Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Lightning wants to let you all know that he is very thankful for something today.

Yes, I am.  It is very hot here in OP; we almost hit 100 degrees this afternoon.  And it isn't even summer yet!!!  With all my fur I can't find much reason to be happy about the heat.

But I found something here to be very happy about - can you see it between my front legs?  It is the best cooly vent in the house.  It puts out the most air of any others.  And right now I have claimed it for ME.  It feels so good on my belly.

No, Mom - I don't want to go out there.  I know Misty and Timber are out hunting for squirrels, but I have a great view from right here.

In fact, I think it is a good time for me to take a little snooze.

Hope you are finding ways to stay cool too.  ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

Woos - Lightning

Let's join Brian and his family for the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.



  1. Good work, Lighting. You found the very best place to stay cool. You're most smart. We're hot here too. I'll be glad when this heatwave passes.

    Have a woof woof cool Thankful Thursday. My best to your siblings and your wonderful mom. ♥

  2. I'm with you, Lightning. Who wants to be outside in that nasty heat! You have the bestest spot in the house. Stay cool, buddy.

  3. Well, don't they say "if you want the coolest spot in the house move the dog?" Or is that "if you want the *best* spot in the house??" 🤔😊🤣

    Stay cool, friends - I think your cooler weather is here in Tennessee - the weather is perfect!!

  4. You are one smart dog! Ans staying out of the heat is a really good idea when you wear a fur coat. Cinnamon likes to lay in front of the portable air conditioner fan!

  5. Good choice and super wise too Lightning, we love that cool air. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. OMD, it's the same here!!!! It's 96 as (I make Ma) type this at almost 6pm! It was 99 at the warmest, butts I can't complain, cause we too gots the AC, so everything is fine. It doesn't feel that bad outside according to Ma (it's kinda a dry heat 😉). Anyhu, I don't have any floor coolie vents, butts I can put my butts against the wall vent!!! 😂
    Stay cool my furiend, and hopefully it'll cool off soon (for us, it'll be Tuesday...sigh)
    Ruby ♥

  7. You found the perfect place and the perfect way to stay cool in those temps, Lightning. You are very smart to stay inside and watch the other two chase the squirrels.

  8. Aaaaahhhhh, we bet that feels great!!
    Sunny and the Gang

  9. we hear ya... that is the best place in summer

  10. Smart move bagging the best ventilator spot Lightning.
    We have a top tip for staying cool. Live in Scotland!
    Toodle pip!

  11. Why would you want to move when you have the best cool spot!

  12. you are sooooo handsome and SMART to find your self a vent to sleep on.. you look sad watching your siblings play out side, but then in the last one you look oh so happy taking your zzzzzz.. will you be served your meals while on the vent? just a thought ha ha... so glad you have AC and that is really hot, even hotter than florida

  13. Hari Om
    My word, you not only have the best vent, but the best view, methinks!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  14. Lightning not only are you handsome x 87 but you are smart. I bet that vent keeps your undercarriage cool.
    Hugs to you 3 Woos and Mom

  15. Our best cooly vent is in the corner of the living room and there's always a dog on it.

  16. You got the BEST SEAT in the house Lightning!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  17. Kudos to Mom for realizing you NEED to be cool in the house!
    the older we get the harder Heat is on us... whether Furries or Humans!
    I Love your beautiful snoozing spot! xoxo

  18. We are thankful for you, handsome boy ...

  19. Hi friend, Ojo here! I love cool things on my belly! I have never tried a cooling vent, but I love lying in wet grass and on cold snow. I can't believe you have HOT! We still have some snow on the ground. I will put some snow in a box and send it to you, and you can tell me how snow on your tummy compares to a cooling vent on your tummy!

  20. Oh Lightning, we are so happy that you found that cool vent. Don't you let anyone take it
    away from you. Sending lots of hugs to all.

  21. That looks like the most perfect place in the house! Plus you have a great view there!

  22. We've all been taking turns below the AC vent (ours comes through venting in the ceiling). We're so over the heat, buddy. Stay cool.

  23. Lightning is just like Rosie! She refuses to go outside in the heat of the day, while Redford doesn't care about all the heat, he wants to go out! Mom thinks it because he's from Georgia!


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