Saturday, June 19, 2021

International Box Day Flashbacks

We thought for International Box Day, it would be fun to do a little flashback to our days as our original pack of three.

Angel Phantom, Angel Dakota, and Angel Thunder wondering what could be in the box for them!!!

And just who was in this box?

It was our Angels' kitty pal, Huffle Mawson, now also an Angel.

And a few years later, there were these four:

Are there four woos in one box?

Are there four woos in four boxes?

No, Woos don't do boxes, but the Momster decided to put distribution code stickers on them and see what happens.  From left to right, Lightning, Angel Phantom, Angel Ciara, and Angel Thunder, wondering where they are going and when they will get back???

And then we have have this one from 2018 pre-Timber:

Misty and Lightning

We have always had fun participating in International Box Day. And we are so lucky to have our friend Ann of Zoolatry to help us out with the images.  Last year was a tough year for us with Misty gone and so we didn't participate.  And then this year just crept up on us and we forgot to get creative for International Box Day.  But we hope you still enjoyed a little stroll down Memory Lane with us.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber, and all our Angels - Dakota, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara.

With all this fancy artwork from Ms. Ann of Zoolatry, we would like to join the Caturday Art Blog Hop too.


  1. Those were fun flashbacks with the boxes. I remember Huffle Mawson!

  2. Oh my, I totally love those super special flashbacks!

  3. I am so happy you did this flashback be cause I missed all your angels. We are recent friends. They are all so beautiful!I love looking back with you

  4. Hari OM
    the flashback is wonderfurs - just as good as new ones!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a fun trip down memory lane for boxing day. We don't do boxes either because there aren't many that we fit in.

  6. You guys and your angels are terrific on your boxes! Ann does such wonderful work and getting huskies into boxes is quite the feat! We are so happy to take the trip down memory lane with you. We DO remember all the past entries (or Mom does). Thank you for visiting us and we hope you have a marvellously happy weekend!

  7. What a clever, happy post. 😊❤️

  8. We loved your box flashbacks! They are all wonderful!

  9. Lovely flashbacks.
    Happy International Box Day.

  10. Ohh my Wooful friends what a fun flashback. Happy International Box Day and most of all Happy Father's Day to your Dad.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Our Porties and Morgan and Sebastian all enjoyed checking out boxes and sometimes chewing on them, but the two little hound girls aren't really interested in boxes. Maybe if there was a squirrel inside......

  12. Charlee: "Look at all of the angels!"
    Chaplin: "We didn't know most of them, but Dennis told us all about them!"
    Charlee: "Also, how is it that we never seem to participate in International Box Day when we are cats?"
    Lulu: "It's probably Dada's fault."
    Chaplin: "No, it's DEFINITELY Dada's fault."

  13. OMD, I loved this! It is FABulous seein' Angel Ciara, Thunder and Phantom! I sure am glads they arrived okays...BOL!!!
    I don't gets in boxes, butts I do likes to shred them! 🤣
    Tells your Pops...HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Oh what wonderful flashback Box Day photos of so many sweet, beautiful faces - Angels forever keeping watch over the Woos...............

    Hugs, Teddy

  15. You guys are such great am-pawsadors for International Boxing Day. Love the distribution code stickers-nice touch.

  16. Box day looks amazing, how fun. But really, why do cats enjoy boxes so much?

    Rosie and Redford


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!