Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Happy Tuesday


It's Happy Tuesday!!!

And what better reason to be happy than this!!!

We learned from our friends Raz and Noelle at Friends Furever that today is National Best Friends' Day!!!

Without a doubt, we three ARE the best of BEST FRIENDS!!!

Of course, Mom - you are our best friend too - especially when you have yummy treats for us - just kidding, we love you all the time.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

If you want to get your "happy" on, hop along with on on the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. Awww..you are wsuch sweeties. XO

  2. You three are all such good friends to each other and to us. We love seeing your smiling faces.

  3. You three always look so happy and we love those wonderful smiles!

  4. Aw, you three are best friends and it shows. All so good looking too. I know you love mom lots and she sure takes good care of you.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. ♥

  5. Hari Om
    Well, who knew? You are the BEST example of what BESTIES are!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. You are lucky to have such awesome best friends who are always with you

  7. yes!! you are like the three huske-teers ;O)

  8. It's wonderful to be the bestest of friends!

  9. a trio of friends is the best friends of all... i love the way ALL of your ears are perfectly UP and your stare into the treat, I mean camera is so beautiful.

  10. You three are always close to each other. Do you ever disagree? Syd and Mack can't be together much, but Dad is their best friend.

  11. Hello my Woo Friends. What a gorgeous family bestie photo.
    Sibling Sibes are the best
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. You three are just the best. Always good to see your happy faces. Love to all of you.

  13. so absolutely ADORABLE. Always! XO

  14. You guys are definitely the 3 amigos! Happy best Friends day to you!

  15. Awww, how handsome (of course, you couldn't be any less than that) ... hello, hugs, love!

  16. The best thing is we can tell you are all the bestest of friends!!!
    Happy Belated BFF Day!
    Sunny, Jakey and the Gang

  17. HAPPY HAPPY 4TH BARKDAY TIMBER. I loved x 87 your bday post. You are all Mom's babies and always will be. Even the grown bipeds and young bipeds.
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. Drat, we missed the actual date but happy to consider you guys our friends every day.

  19. We are glad that we have nice friends in YOU!

    Rosie and Redford


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!