Thursday, April 11, 2024


This broke my heart last night AGAIN.

This was one of Lightning's favorite spotts to rest.  You could find him there most afternoons and every night.

Misty might slip in there once in a while, but Timber has never positioned himself there at all.

And then there was this last night  . . .

Timber sat there like that for over an hour, just staring,  He eventually lay down and went to sleep.  He seems to be missing Lightning so much.  Every time I come in the back door from the garage, both Timber and Misty keep looking behind me and waiting, presumably to see if I have finally brought him home:(    Misty has been hiding behind the sofa a lot today which is what she does when she is anxious.  I know it will take time for them to adjust, but it sure is tough to watch.

I am trying to look through old photos to do something special for Lightning, and boy, is that hard!  I guess I need time too.  Every loss seems to hit a little deeper. But let me at least extend my tremendous gratitude to all of you, and there are so many, for your emails and comments in support of our newest Angel.  They help more than you know



  1. We can only imagine how difficult this situation is for your pups. They are so used to having the whole pack together that when one is not there it takes time to adjust. We know that when Walter had to go in to have the lump removed from his eye Millie was worried about where he was all day until I brought him home. Prior to that we had always assumed that she didn't care that much whether he was there or not, but I guess they are more bonded than she likes to let on.

    You all have been in my thoughts all day. We know that what you did was the best for Lightning, but it is never an easy task to have to do. Hugs to all of you.

  2. Animals do grieve. You can help one another the pain

  3. That's so heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing, and much love to you all. Its too bad you can't talk with them and explain.

  4. Hari Om
    Oh I know that special heartache of watching our other pets deal with their grief. Do give yourself time, Kathie... when you are ready for that post you will know... Hugs YAMxx

  5. How heartbreaking this is for you and for Timber and Misty as well. They are missing Lighning just as much as you are. Huge hugs to all of you♥

  6. I can't see to type through the tears hanging in my eyes. this is heartbreaking, poor sweet Timber and Misty. crying through the photos helped me when Big became an angel, and now more than 2 years later sometime I do the same thing. we need to grieve and I know Misty and Timber are grieving too.

  7. I know our pets grieve for each other as much as we do. When Eric died Flynn came out and watched us bury him. For weeks afterwards he would go out and sit at his grave. I agree that it is heart breaking because we can't explain to them. Big hugs to you.

  8. We think they plan this to do what they can to keep our hearts from completely shattering - and more signs from NAL that his journey was without incident - and that he has settled in with the other NowAngels North of The Rainbow Bridge -

    We send them with messages for the others; they plan this for US -

    Willow & Phyll

  9. Yes, one's heart does break to see this ... for them, and also for you and I've also been thinking of David, as this loss is one he surely feels so deeply.

  10. That sure breaks my heart too, things just aren't the same and everyone feels the loss. Hugs from all of us.

  11. Chaplin: "We understand how everyone feels! After we lost Dennis and Dada opened an old box of his toys that had been closed for like a year, I spent a super long time sniffing them and then I looked all over the house for him. But I couldn't find him."
    Charlee: "And remember how when Dennis's little friend Saphira the border collie came to stay with us after Dennis went away, she wandered from room to room and then started whimpering when Dennis wasn't there? Remember? Aww, Chaplin, are you sniffling?"
    Chaplin: "I'm not sniffling, YOU'RE sniffling."

  12. Kathie...I know it breaks your heart to to Misty and Timber looking for Lightning and probably to you looking for an explanation. Precious Misty and Timber miss their Pack leader. I do so wish you could explain to them. Timber in Lightning's spot...oh my goodness.
    Sending you many thoughts and prayers as you, David, Misty and Timber heal

  13. I still have days when I see something that reminds me of one of our angels that being tears. Sending hugs!

  14. The trio was obviously very connected and they fully realize that something is different and someone is missing. Max went through something similar when we lost Amber. He was just never the same. They were siblings from birth and were never apart. I like to think that now that Max is once again with Amber at the Bridge, they are both happy again. Timber and Misty will probably grow even closer now.

  15. We had something similar when Brut died, Zappa was in Brut's sleeping spot. Breaks your heart, but warms it too. You are in our prayers.

  16. It is easy to forget how very deeply animals grieve when they lose the ones they love. Misty and Timber are as much in shock as you are. You will all heal together, and gain strength from each other.


  17. Our dogs grieve just as much as we do when we lose one. Sending gentle thoughts to you and Misty and Timber. 💔

  18. It is so sad and yet so touching that our pups grieve too...extra love and attention is all we can do.I recall Rosie was sleeping in Kiki's spots for quite a while after Kiki passed, and she was very subdued for weeks.


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