Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Few Words on Wordless Wednesday


Sheesh, the Momster is obsessed with where I choose to sleep

Mom, I spy you with my one blue eye!  Yes, I know I am in Misty's favorite sleeping spot, but she is camping out in the laundry room hiding from the storms coming tonight.  She told me that you and Dad are leaving us home alone tonight so you can go to Brady Bear's Confirmation.  I am just lying here contemplating what we will do without you here.

Woos - Timber

Pee Ess - Kim of Golden Pines was so on the mark with her comment yesterday.  I, Timber, was for sure resting my chin on the bed, but my whole body was enjoying the comfort of the a/c vent under me:)

Whoa, I wasn't very Wordless, was I?  But I think Sandee of Comedy Plus's Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop will understand:)


  1. AHA the mystery is solved, I forgot about AC vents, but did not even think you would have ac this early. ours has been running a lot the past month. during the day but cooler nights. so sorrry you will be home alone and hope the storm is not a loud or bad one

  2. Timber I love how you have your chin position for comfort and for keeping an eye on the ladies Mom and Misty. I don't blame Misty for hiding. Madi always went to the half loo during storms positioned herself between the wall and the loo.
    Happy confirmation to Brady...

  3. If the place you want to sleep is vacant, then it is yours.

  4. You and Misty need to hang out together so you can comfort each other till your mom and dad come home, Timber.

  5. There have been too many big 'n' bad storms in OK-and KS-Land and other parts of the midwest, we hope they stay far far away from you ...

  6. You'll take care of your sister I'm sure. You two are so precious. Your mom is a jewel, too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to you both and a hug to your mom. ♥

  7. Our crew doesn't like the home alone thing either!

  8. Hari OM
    Sharing is caring. That includes sleeping spots... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. You are so cute napping there, Timber. You're just keeping it warm for Misty.

  10. Hope you find something fun to do tonight! Don't get into too much trouble ;)

  11. Good thing The Momster doesn't let you upstairs so you can see her at work sleeping!


  12. Indeed, what will you do when you are left home alone? I hope the storms are not as bad as predicted.

  13. I hope the storm isn't too bad and that your folks don't stay away too long. ❤️

  14. AC vents? We don't have anything like that here! We just have radiators for the cold and they are still on because it is still cold here!


  15. Wordless? Maybe not. But you sure are cute!

  16. Is it hot there too? Because laying down on that cool marble would probably feel excellent!

  17. What a comfy spot you picked to nap look very handsome by the fireplace!
    Sunny & Rosy

  18. Lulu: "Storms??? No thank you! If anyone needs me, I will be under Dada's desk!"


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