Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Happy Tuesday

 Hip Hip Hooray for a Happy Tuesday!!!

The sun is shining, the storms are gone, we had no damage, and I just had my walk. What's not to be happy about???

I am happy too, but a girl needs her beauty rest, and last night was not a good night for sleeping.  All night long that weather radio kept sounding off with its warnings.  It sure made for a very restless night.  So if you will forgive me, I am ready for a long nap.  And yes, I had my walk too:)

Woos - Misty and Timber


  1. I'm sorry you had a long night, but it's over now. That makes for a Happy Tuesday. Yay. You two are most precious.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to you both and a big hug to mom. ♥

  2. Misty you are living and loving in OP with your devoted Timber and a staff who gives out the best TLC.
    Sweet dreams
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. You can never have too many naps , in my opinion.

  4. Hello beautiful Woos! I sure am glad that the storms didn't bother you!

  5. Oh my -THAT SMILE!

    And I so understand the sleep thing for sometimes the human in the bed isn't sleeping soundly or at all - and the tossing and turning - well I do take myself to NAK's/NAL's beds on the floor -

    Paws crossed sleep will be better tonight - as it's Chicago's turn for khrap weather -


  6. You two sure look happy today. We're glad to hear the bad weather didn't cause any damage other than the sleepless night.

  7. If I already know the weather is bad, I just turn those alerts off. We're as safe as we're going to be, might as well get some rest, right?

  8. Nothing better than a Happy Husky!

  9. Hurray for walks and naps! And for escaping storms. I'm glad you're all safe. ❤️

  10. Hari Om
    Happy to hear all safe and things okay 🙏 hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  11. I have my weather radio sitting on the kitchen table, absorbing solar rays, it is charged and ready to SCREAM.. it is LOUD for sure. and I would not sleep at all as long as wind was blowing. when the wind kicks up past 40 here, I sit on the sofa waiting for a tree to crash.. You have such a happy smile on your face and it looks like you found a way to warm the butt while shading the head..

  12. We are so happy that you made it okay through those nasty storms. The sun shining and naps are very good things!

  13. Java Bean: "Hooray! First a walk, and then a nap! And then another walk!"
    Lulu: "And then another nap?"
    Java Bean: "Sure, why not?"

  14. Wahoo! We are so happy you are all safe and sound!
    Happy napping!
    Rosy & Sunny

  15. My goodness, that must be so scary for everyone and every pup, glad you are safe and sound.


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