Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Happy (birthday) Tuesday

 Yes indeed, it IS Happy Tuesday.

It's Happy Timber Tuesday.  It is Timber's 7th birthday!!!
How did that happen???  He is Mom's baby!!!

And just for fun, we are going to go back in time to the very first few days of Timber's life with The OP Pack.

The first glimpse Mom and Dad had of Timber.  It was love at first sight

The big Timber smile there from the very start.

No words needed.

Lightning was Timber's best buddy from the very beginning.  The passing of Lightning has had a huge impact on Timber.  So many changes since that sad day.

You usually hear something like "my sister from another mother." But Misty is his sister from another litter - same Mom and Dad - just 11 months apart.  And they both still love their spot on the hearth.

The OP Pack united.


Time for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. Happy Birthday, Timber! You were the most adorable puppy and have grown into a very handsome boy.

  2. Happy birthday, Timber! What a cute little pup you were and you have grown to be big and handsome.

  3. Happy, Happy lucky seven! You were an adorable puppy. One of mom's good friends in Germany just got a new husky puppy who is adorable like you were! Enjoy your day!

  4. Happy Birthday, Timber! We can't believe your are seven already! It seems like yesterday you were that tiny pup laying with Lightning.

  5. Happy Birthday Sweet Timber, my heart hurt when I saw you snuggled to Lightning. I know all of you still have hurting hearts.. hugs to everyone

  6. Happy Birthday Timber! Wow, seven years old...where does the time go. Love the pics with you and Lightning. Such treasured memories. Hugs to everyone. ♥

  7. Awww, you're a cutie pie then and now.

    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Timber,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥

  8. That was such a sweet look back at the wonderfully handsome you Timber. Happy Birthday from all of us!

  9. Happy Birthday, Timber! Time goes by so fast.

  10. Happy Happy Timber Day!
    Since there are SEVEN days in a week, let's make it TIMBER WEEK!

    I will have some cheese and carrots in your honor!


  11. I wish you many happy returns of the day, Timber!

  12. Hari OM
    Really, seven already??????? Sorry I am late to the party. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Happy Birthday, Handsome Timber! We are so glad you have your big sister to hang out with!


  14. Happy Happy birthday Timber....seeing your tiny self by your handsome big brudder Angel Lightning...
    was precious. I know Lightning was a top of the line Woo-bro teaching and fine tuning all his pack.
    Woo hugs

  15. Happy Belated birthday Timber! We cannot believe that you are 7! Our mom remembers looking at your posts when you were just a puppy!! You are one handsome pup!

    Rosie and Redford

  16. Lulu: "Happy belated big oh-seven, Timber!"
    Java Bean: "¡Feliz cumpleaños! Many happy returns!"

  17. Belated Happy Birthday Timber!!! Some of us here still remember when you joined the pack.


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