Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Another Wednesday of Words

Woe is me!!!  Or maybe I should say HalfWoe is me since I have managed to shed at least my shirt.

But I DO have still my lampshade on.  Just when we thought things were looking up, that mean old scab started leaking again and formed another thick scab.  It has not been looking very promising for a whole week now, but yesterday things seemed to be drying up nicely.  Today the edges of the scab are breaking off and no new seepage is appearing.  The center still has a bit of a popup thingie that Mom is worried may be the remainder of the cyst.  In the end I may have to have it surgically removed.  And we all know what that means - more days in the cone:(

I sure hope that lampshade disappears soon.  I am tired of not having my pal Misty ready to play with me and that dumb cone keeps bumping me when she wants to lie next to me on our beds.

It is slowly beginning to have that feel of Christmas around here.  We can feel the spirit in the air.  All we need now is some snow

Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's pretend we were Wordless and join the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.



  1. I did not let Beau read this post because he would be feeling jealous over those huge and gorgeous windows on the world outside ... he would love to be able to lay and watch the outside world, and I would sit there with him. Merry Christmas and prayers that the cyst will go away by itself taking the lampshade with it.. tell your mama your home is so beautiful, and I see green grass out there in DEC. wow..

  2. Hari OM
    Well, if it's any consolation Misty, I have come out in sympawthee with you and have a carbuncle of some sort that is taking its time to heal on my back. I couldn't lick it if my life depended on it though. In fact, I can barely get my arms to bend round to clean and dress it. POTP for both of us, eh? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (who hasn't got her head into Christmas at all...)

  3. I hope you heal up soon and no more surgery. You poor baby.

    I love your home and your tree is most beautiful. Tell mom I said so.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups and healing hugs to Misty. ♥

  4. Poor Misty, sorry sweetie. I hope it gets resolved for you one way or another so you can be coneless!

  5. Beautiful tree. Maybe your mom can decorate your cone. Just kidding, I hope you feel better soon. XO

  6. Poor, Misty. Millie feels your pain as she is now wearing a cone. She's still quite out of it from her sedation and will probably get to sleep downstairs with mom on the couch as she isn't very good at taking the stairs right now.

  7. Oh no, Misty. We want you back to 100% soon so you can enjoy Christmas and play in the snow when it comes and hopefully that will be soon for you and for me! Poor Timber, who is so patiently waiting. Your tree is so pretty!

  8. We hope woo will get some snow - just not too much for your humans!

    And we so hope Misty will be all 'heeled' soon!

    Willow The Heeler :-)

  9. EWow, what a saga wiuth that cyst on MIsty's side. UGH. Poor gal in the cone for so long. Maybe a nice Christmas present would be to have that thing banished!!

    YOu can have the new snow we just got..about 4 inches here...and more likely! And after last week's snow that had left us for a nice green its all covered again. Phooey!

  10. Misty, you are not doing yourself any favours. Please leave that scab alone for your sake and your mom's. The Christmas tree looks lovely.

  11. half time is a half of a win... we cross all paws for the next half... hugs and patience and healing vibes to you sweet girl....

  12. You're getting there Misty! We are sending lots of POTP for everything to heal up quickly so you can get out of that cone!
    Rosy & Sunny

    PeeEss Mama does want to thank you and your Mom for sharing your "cysty" story. We have found 2 little ones on Sunny, and may have them removed early to avoid a "messy ending"

  13. Hang in there Misty! I know it is tough. Hoping and praying it continues to heal. Sending love. ♥

  14. Misty and Timber please tell mom how very beautiful here tree is decorated.
    Misty you are 1/2 may 3/4 way to freedom by now. Timber is eagerly awaiting it too.
    Hugs and Woos to all

  15. Mom forgot to say that she loves you Christmas decorations! And thanks for the note and the update on how the shirt worked----looks like you have tried ALL combinations to get Misty healed up!

  16. Lulu: "Awww, we're sorry you still have to wear the dreaded cone, Misty! We hope you get some snow soon, I bet that would make you feel better!"

  17. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Oh no, I am sorry about the cone! Is it off now?


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