Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Happy Tuesday

 Misty is a happy girl today!

Our new deck flooring tends to be very slippery when it is even a little bit wet. Poor Misty often loses her footing and her back end cave as she slides across the floor. This is not good for her two rear legs that both have had CCL repairs.  With all the rain we have been having, she has slipped several times recently.

Mom noticed her limping a bit the past few days and having a harder time getting up from lying down.

So . . .

She bought these new outdoor runners to help her get her footing better when it is wet out there.

Timber says he is happy too because he is hoping it is OK now to chase Misty around on the deck:)

Thank you, Mom - you had a great idea.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's all be happy and hop along on the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You know what?
    Moms can be quite clever sometimes!

  3. Just stunning dogs! I think I say that every time, but they truly are! #HappyTuesday

  4. Mom took great care of Misty with these outdoor runners. Good for mom. A happy girl you are and for good reason.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to you both and a hug to mom. ♥

  5. That is such a great idea, way to go Momster. Happy Woos are a wonderful thing!

  6. Good for your mom for having a solution! ❤️

  7. It is such a great feeling when someone comes up with a great idea!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Tears in my eyes that Misty needs this and so happy you found something that works for all of you. I wonder if this would slide around on kitchen tile. I may have to find something soon for the tile floor

  10. The rugs will definitely help you out, Misty. Tread carefully and no chasing her, Timber!

  11. Momster is always making sure you are living your best life. I love the runners..and Misty we had 2.8" of rain yesterday so I understand the slip sliding. There are puddles all over our deck
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Your mom is always looking out for you and doing the best she can to help you be happy...just like our mom does too.

  13. I haven't been here before and beautiful dogs give me chills. Awesome!

  14. Go Mom! What a great idea!!
    Sunny & Rosy

  15. Lulu: "Runners are the best! We have them here all over our tile floors so that we don't fall down while we're ... how does Dada put it?"
    Java Bean: "Running around like lunatics."

  16. Nice! Your humans only want the best for you! And it looks pretty stylish too!

  17. What thoughtfulness on the part of your Mom. And those runners will be warmer to lie down on too.

  18. That was a very good idea your mom had to help you, Misty.


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